Embrace the Spirit of Giving and Earn Distinction!
GIV’ER is our clubs program that supports the incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact and be recognized for your efforts. By giving back to the community in 8 different ways, your club can achieve up to five levels of Distinction, each bringing prestige, acknowledgment, and monetary rewards for the club.
Earning these Distinctions not only highlights your club’s community support dedication but also brings you an invitation to our prestigious yearly Awards Gala—a night of celebration and recognition among peers. It’s a fun and rewarding way to learn about the power of giving.
Did we capture your interest? Join us on this journey of giving back and achieving greatness.
GIV'ER Vocabulary
Club Roster
Definition: The Roster area on the club’s page is where students are officially listed as a club member. Consider it your club membership list. =The Roster is used to verify that your members are (1) in your club and (2) currently enrolled NAIT students.
GIV’ER Points
Definition: Clubs can earn GIV’ER points based on their choice and completion of any one of the eight GIV’ER involvement types.
GIV’ER Involvement Types
Definition: Within the GIV’ER program, there are eight (8) involvement types that a club can choose to complete on an individual and/or collective basis. This includes monetary donation(s), food donation(s), clothing donation(s), blood/plasma donor donation(s), packaged donation(s), organ donor status, volunteer hours and Clubs Showcase participation.
GIV’ER Distinctions
Definition: There are five distinction levels that a club can reach each academic year including Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. When a club reaches a distinction level (based on points), the club is awarded monetary club funds. The amount of awarded funds depends on the distinction level reached.
Reference Letter
Definition: A reference letter is required to validate completed volunteer hours.
Confirmation Letter
Definition: A confirmation letter is required to validate food, clothing and packaged donations.
Volunteering, Blood/Plasma Donation, Organ Donor Card Signing are all types that require Roster verification for points to be awarded.
Referencing the point earner’s name with roster list is used to verify that:
- they are members in your club
- currently enrolled NAIT students.
The steps for a student to appear as a member involve:
1. They press the join button on the club’s home page; await approval from the club.
2. The club directly invites the student to the club page on
There are five distinction levels that your club can reach each year: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. When your club reaches a distinction level (based on points), the club is awarded funds that are deposited into your club bank account. There is also a digital award recognition uploaded to your club’s gallery and the club is invited to the prestigous NAITSA Awards Gala. The amount of awarded funds depends on the distinction level reached. Please refer to the distinction levels and corresponding GIV’ER point ranges below.
600-1500 POINTS
Earn $100.00
1501-4000 POINTS
Earn an additional $150.00 for a total of $250.00
4001-10,000 POINTS
Earn an additional $250.00 for a total of $500.00
10,001-20,000 POINTS
Earn an additional $350.00 for a total of $850.00
20,000+ POINTS
Earn an additional $450.00 for a total of $1,300.00
This year’s GIV’ER points are allocated from March 2, 2024 through until March 1, 2025. Only activities that occur inside of this timeline can be counted towards GIV’ER points for this academic year.
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Giv’er Points
There are eight different ways to earn GIV’ER points for your club including:
1. MONETARY DONATION ($1.00 = 1 point)
- Option 1: Monetary donation to the NAITSA Food Centre.
- Option 2: Monetary donation to a recognized non-profit organization or charity.
If the donation amount includes cents, point values are rounded up.
Donations can come from the club’s account through a purchase request
- Submit a purchase request on Ooks Life and indicate in the Additional Questions section that the donation is to be registered for GIV’ER Points.
- Then submit a GIV’ER Form with the required screenshot of the approved Purchase Request
Donations can come from fundraising events where your club members form a team through a recognized, pledge-based, team fundraiser (i.e. Movember, Run for the Cure)
- Submit a GIV’ER Form with a screenshot from the fundraiser’s website of the Club’s Team Roster with all names and pledge amounts visible
2. FOOD DONATION (1 lb of food = 5 points)
- Option 1: Food donation to the NAITSA Food Centre.
- Option 2: Food donation to a recognized non-profit organization or charity.
NAITSA Food Centre
- Before collecting donations for the Food Centre please carefully read through the Criteria List here on
- Contact to schedule a weigh-in appointment with Campus Clubs. Same day appointments are not permitted.
- Double check that all donations meet the requirements (i.e. non-perishable, checking the expiry dates, not damaged) before completing the weigh-in by visiting Campus Clubs (O108) at your scheduled date and time. The weigh-in total (lbs) will be recorded on your club’s behalf.
- The donated food items are transferred to the NAITSA Food Centre after the weigh-in concludes. No reference letter is required.
Non-Profit/Charitable Organization
- Contact to schedule a weigh-in appointment with Campus Clubs. Same day appointments are not permitted.
- Complete the weigh-in by visiting Campus Clubs (O108) at your scheduled date and time. The weigh-in total (lbs) will be recorded on your club’s behalf.
- Donate food items to the intended organization after the weigh-in concludes.
- Obtain a donation confirmation letter from the organization proving the food items were in fact donated. The letter must include the date of the donation.
- Submit the GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life and upload a copy of the letter where indicated.
3. CLOTHING DONATION (1 lb of clothing = 1 point)
- Option 1: Clothing donation to a recognized non-profit organization or charity.
- Option 2: Clothing donation for a specific need or cause. For example, winter coats for the homeless, prom dresses for underprivileged young women, etc.
- Contact to schedule a weigh-in appointment with Campus Clubs. Same day appointments are not permitted.
- Complete the weigh-in by visiting Campus Clubs (O108) at your scheduled date and time. The weigh-in total (lbs) will be recorded on your club’s behalf.
- Donate clothing items to the intended organization after the weigh-in concludes.
- Obtain a donation confirmation letter from the organization proving the clothing items were in fact donated. The letter must include the date of the donation.
- Submit the GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life and upload a copy of the letter where indicated.
4. ORGAN DONOR STATUS (9 points)
- Option 1: Signed organ donor card.
- Option 2: Organ donor status indicated on driver’s license or government-issued ID.
- Submit the GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life and upload proof where indicated. Proof of status includes:
- Organ Donor Card: The front (indicating student name excluding personal information) and back (indicating student signature) of the card.
- Driver’s License/ID: The front (indicating the student name excluding personal information) of the card.
Personal information refers to birth date, health care number, driver’s license number, etc.
Option 1: Blood or plasma donations to Canadian Blood Services.
- Submit the GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life and upload proof where indicated. Only submit for completed donations, not anticipated. Proof of donation includes:
- Donor Card: The front (indicating student name) and back (indicating the date in which the donation was made) of the card.
- Canadian Blood Services (CBS) Website: Screenshot of CBS account indicating the student name and date in which the donation was made.
*Please note we only accept plasma donations from Canadian Blood Services where you do not receive financial compensation from donating*
6. PACKAGED DONATION (1 package = 9 points)
Option 1: A packaged donation for a specific need or cause. For example, Operation Christmas Child, Shoebox Project, etc.
- Donate the packaged donation to the intended non-profit organization or charity.
- Obtain a donation confirmation letter from the organization proving the packages were in fact donated. The letter must include the date and quantity of the donation.
- Submit GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life and upload a copy of the letter where indicated.
7. VOLUNTEER HOURS (1 hour = 9 points)
- Option 1: Volunteer for a non-profit organization or charity.
- Option 2: Volunteer at a club event in which you are not a member.
- Option 3: Volunteer at NAITSA/NAIT events that are not mandatory for a program. NAIT Open House is the exception for volunteer hours, even though it is mandatory. This is the only exception.
- Ensure indivduals using their volunteer hours for GIV’ER are listed on the club roster to verify club membership.
- Obtain a reference letter from the organization where you completed the volunteer hours. Only submit for hours completed, not anticipated hours. The letter must include:
- Name of the organization.
- Name (first and last) of the volunteer.
- Date(s) of volunteering.
- Number of hours completed.
- Description of the volunteer work.
- Contact information (full name and phone number) of the person who supervised the hour
- Submit the GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life and upload a copy of the letter where indicated including month, day and year.
If an event involves acquiring both volunteer hours and monetary donations, a club must choose one GIV’ER option. Both options will not be honoured for a single event.
Campus Clubs hosts Clubs Showcase once per academic year. Clubs can earn GIV’ER points by participating in Clubs Showcase.
The point allocations are as follows:
- Club Participation (82 pts)
- People’s Choice Winner (200 pts)
- 1st Place Secret Judges (800 pts)
- 2nd Place Secret Judges (500 pts)
- 3rd Place Secret Judges (200 pts)
If your club participates in Clubs Showcase, you do not need to submit the GIV’ER Form on Ooks Life. Approximately one business week after Clubs Showcase concludes, Campus Clubs will record the GIV’ER points earned by your club.
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A reference letter is required to validate volunteer hours while a confirmation letter is required to validate food, clothing and packaged donations. It is advised that these letters are written using letterhead from the non-profit organization or charity. There are sample letter templates available here on Ooks Life in the GIV’ER folder. Email references are also accepted when the organization/charity signature is present.
To record your club’s GIV’ER involvement and log points, you will need to submit the GIV’ER Form on
Online form submissions are reviewed by NAITSA Campus Clubs on a weekly basis and receive either an approved or denied status.
Prior to submitting volunteer hours through the GIV’ER Form for review, ensure those members appear in the roster list of the club page.
- Court ordered community service.
- General operation of club activities.
- General clothing donations (such as bulk donations to Value Village).
- Volunteering as a program requirement (mandatory hours).
- Volunteering for a for-profit organization.
- Plasma donations from an organization where you receive financial compensation from donating.
Campus Clubs has a live record of each club’s GIV’ER points throughout the academic year. If you would like to know how many points your club has at any given point, please contact