
Accessing clubs

To get involved in the world of clubs, you must log into OoksLife. All NAIT students, staff and alumni have an account tied to their NAIT account. The login process is as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the “log in” button on the top right of the screen.
  3. Log in using your NAIT credentials. Your username will be your NAIT email, and your password will be the same as the one you use for MyNAITPortal.
  4. You might be asked to answer some additional questions if it is your first time logging in. Please complete the required questions to get started on OoksLife!

You’ll notice we refer to ookslife frequently. To understand what it is and how to navigate it easily, check out the “What is ookslife” section in the TRAINING Tab

Why join/start a club?

Clubs are a great way to meet new people, explore your interests, and develop useful skills. It’s also a chance to enhance your resume and have enjoyable experiences beyond the classroom.

Our clubs have access to special privileges on campus and support to ensure their success.

NAITSA clubs are part of the few organizations that are allowed to sell to NAIT students on campus. Clubs are allowed to host events with food on campus, which is also an otherwise limited opportunity. In addition, NAITSA clubs are supported by us, Campus Clubs. We offer services such as: workshops, training, internal banking, space reservations, equipment bookings, grant funding, awards, and much more – exclusively for clubs!

How to join a club
  1. Log into
  2. Select the left hand navigation menu on the top left of the screen. A dropdown menu will appear.
  3. Select “Organizations” from the dropdown menu.
  4. You will end up on the list of “Organizations”. Organizations are any groups available on OoksLife. To narrow down the list to only student clubs, select the branch NAITSA Campus Clubs. Other branches list some organizations that are NAIT and NAITSA departments.,. You can learn more about any organization by clicking on them and reading their descriptions.
  5. Pick a club you are interested in and select the “Join” button on their organization page. Please only do so on club organization pages.
  6. Wait for approval from the club. Joining a club is not instant and can take a few days. Club members need to accept your request to join. When you are accepted, you will receive an email tied to your OoksLife account. If you are not accepted within your club of choice within 7 days, please reach out to and we will assist you.

Did you know? There is no limit to the number of clubs you can join as a regular member! It is completely up to you how many clubs you would like to join!

How to start a club

You need three current NAIT students to start a club: VP Operations, VP Finance, and President. These roles are the financial signing authorities.
1. Activate your personal account

Simply involves logging into ookslife.

a. Access ookslife through your NAIT portal or
b. Log in with your NAIT portal ID and password.
c. Click on your initial on the top right corner and then click the pencil icon. From there, make any necessary edits to your personal information.

2. Register an organization

You can officially begin creating the club once you have three current students to fill the executive roles: VP Operations, VP Finance, and President

  1. Log into Ook Life (
  2. Navigate to the Organizations tab on the left-hand side of your page. You will see a button that says Register an Organization on the left side of the page underneath the search options
  3. Click on Register an organization will start your club registration process. (Important to pick NAITSA Campus Clubs as the branch) (If you are a returning club, use the Re-Register Existing during limited time frames).

When first starting a club, people are invited to a role (type their NAIT e-mail address). Once the registration is approved, please check in with your executive that they have accepted their invite. A clear indication is that they appear visible as officers on the club page.

What to consider when registering:

  • Clubs may not be started for the purpose of using resources to complete class initiatives or projects, nor may existing clubs use resources in this manner.
  • Multiple clubs that have the exact same purpose are not approved. Check the organization listing first to see if there’s already an existing club
  • Students can have membership in multiple clubs, however, they may only hold an executive position for a maximum of two clubs

Types of Clubs

  • Student Council (Fixed Year) are program-based clubs whose membership is limited to specific graduating years.
  • Student Council (Combined Years) are program-based clubs that have membership composed of first, second, third, and fourth year students.
  • Interest Clubs offer a variety of activities. These clubs can be based on any recreational activity, culture, religion, or other category.
  • Academic Interest Clubs are clubs whose activities rely on their membership having a particular academic background. These clubs do not limit their membership to students of any one program.
  • Chapter Organizations are the on-campus club for their established not-for-profit parent organization.
    Interest, Academic Interest, and Chapter Organization clubs all have open membership – any student at NAIT can join them.
  • Student Council clubs (both Combined and Fixed Year) have limited memberships – they can only be joined by students of specific academic programs. These clubs primarily focus on creating initiatives to enhance their program experience and to fundraise towards their graduation celebration.

Clubs cannot limit their membership based on age, race, religion, ability, social status, gender, or sexual orientation.


Anyone playing a role (whether it be limited or extensive in nature) may be considered for an executive role. We have a set of template roles on with adjustable access in the Roster section if you would like to use them. If one of our templates do not meet your specific club purposes you may create one!
  1. Clubs must have three current* key executives: VP Operations, VP Finance, and President as a minimum. These roles are the financial signing authorities.
  2. When a vacancy occurs in one of the key positions, it must be filled with a current* student before the club can move forward accessing services.
  3. VP Operations, VP Finance, or President must update positions when any of the club executive changes. This is to be done through the Roster section on Ooks Life.
  4. Clubs Basic Training is accessible in Paths section of everyone’s personal menu. As a minimum the VP Operations, VP Finance and President are expected to complete this training.
  5. Club executives agree to conduct activities and operations according to the contents of the Clubs Handbook.
  6. Club executives are not authorized or permitted to sign an agreement in NAIT or NAITSA’s name.
  7. Club executives acknowledge they are not to undertake unsanctioned alcohol related activities (pub crawls) and activities not approved by NAITSA.
  8. Student executives must be in good academic standing.
  9. A person in the club may have many duties within the club, however, they can only hold one executive title. Varied duties can be captured under their role description. Click the link for a listing of Roles and Responsibilities.

Did you know there’s $100 available in Kickstart Funds!

It involves:

  • the organization registering (or re-registering for returning groups)
  • a quick check in meeting with the Campus Clubs Manager
  • the financial signing authorities of the club have successfully completed the Club Basic Training Path 2024-2025.

Once you’ve done the above, fill out the Club Kickstart Funds Form 2024-2025

Roster for clubs

The roster area allows you to view and manage all your organization members as well as presenting those holding executive positions.


This area is crucial and plays key role in:

  • the assigning/creation of position roles,
  • inviting, editing and removing members.
  • tailor messaging within the club.
  • attendance tracking
  • Involvement record recognition
  • acting as your GIV’ER membership list
  • use for elections and informational polls
  • use and considerations in Grant processes

It’s crucial to ensure that everyone involved in your club, including any NAIT Staff Advisors, is accurately listed on the roster. Only members listed in the named club’s roster of the are recognized as official members.

There is a “Join” button on your home page, it is the club’s responsibility to monitor the club’s prospective and pending members. Tip: Assign a role to take care of it.

Important Dates

June 2024

June 17, 2024 – Club Paths & Summer Grant Intake Deadline (5 pm)

September 2024

September 1 – Paths are updated and reset
September 2 – Labour Day (NAITSA Closed)
September 12-13 – NEST FEST Clubs VIP Lounge!
September 17 – Find Your People: Campus Clubs Mixer
September 23 – Grant Intake #1 Deadline (5 pm)
September 23 – Find Your People: Campus Clubs 411
September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NAITSA Closed)

October 2024

October 1 – Club Elevation: Registered a Club? Now What?
October 7- Club Elevation: Envision Your Year
October 14 – Thanksgiving (NAITSA Closed)
October 16 – Club Elevation: Event Plan like a Pro
October 17 – Club Elevation: Lunch & Learn, Get Grant Funding
October 21 – Grant Intake #2 Deadline (5 pm)
October 21 – Club Elevation: The Ultimate Club Tour

November 2024

November 1 – Club Elevation: Mastering Team Dynamics
November 5-6 – Clubs Showcase
November 7 – Club Elevation: Promo like a Pro
November 8-12 – Fall Break (NAITSA Closed)
November 13 – Club Elevation: Lunch & Learn, Get Grant Funding
November 14 – Clubs VIP Event!
November 18 – Club Elevation: Making Club Finance Fun
November 25 – Grant Intake #3 Deadline (5 pm)
November 25 – Club Elevation: Steal That Idea

December 2024

December 5 – Club Elevation: Lunch & Learn, Get Grant Funding
December 10 – Find Your People: Coffee with Campus Clubs
December 19-31 – Winter Break (NAITSA Closed)

January 2025

January 1 – New Year’s Day (NAITSA Closed)
January 15 – Club Elevation: Beyond the Bake Sale
January 20 – Grant Intake #4 Deadline (5 pm)
January 21 – Find Your People: Campus Clubs Mixer
January 27 – Club Elevation: That’s a Wrap
January 31 – Splash & Bash: Clubs VIP Lounge!

February 2025

February 4 – Club Elevation: The Perfect Pitch, Grant Funding
February 10 – Canva 101
February 12 – Club Showcase: Winter Edition
February 17 – Family Day (NAITSA Closed)
February 24 – Grant Intake #5 Deadline (5 pm)
February 28 – Pass the Torch, Club Transitions (Beginner)

March 2025

March 1 – Giv’er 2024-2025 Deadline
March 3 – Awards night: Awards Application Deadline Cutoff
March 4 – Club Elevation: Mastering Team Dynamics
March 11 – Club Elevation: Club Creation Station
March 14 – Awards Night: RSVP Cut-off
March 19 – Club Elevation: Pass the Torch, Club Transitions (Intermediate)
March 24 – Club Elevation: Promo like a Pro

April 2025

April 4 – Club Elevation: Plan Your Fall Fun
April 5 – NAITSA Awards Night
April 9 – Find Your People: Coffee with Campus Clubs
April 10 – Clubs VIP Event
April 18 – Good Friday
April 21 – Easter Monday

May 2025

May 19, 2024 – Victoria Day (NAITSA Closed)

June 2025

June 23 – Summer Grant Intake Deadline (5 pm)


Whether it’s an external person or a NAIT staff member, Club advisors have key experience that may help you with connections within NAIT and beyond into industry. They can also help in the transition of the club, guidance on recruitment, directing interested students to either the club or NAITSA Campus Clubs for further action.

Club Advisors are selected and updated at the club’s discretion. It is not the advisor’s role to manage the club, plan and/or arrange club activities, or control the financial decisions of the club, but to solely offer mentorship. Club Advisors cannot be NAITSA full-time or student staff.


  1. Be aware of the purpose and activities of the club. Attendance at important meetings is recommended.
  2. Clear communication with club leaders.
  3. Act as a source of general information regarding NAIT policies and procedures.
  4. Encourage club members to assume responsibility for their actions and for the effectiveness of their club.
  5. Offer guidance, and allow freedom for a club to plan and coordinate their own activities.
  6. Provide technical knowledge/information relevant to the club as needed.
  7. If possible, be familiar with the club history.
  8. Provide continuity.
  9. Assist with recruiting new club members.
  10. Encourage professionalism.
  11. Acknowledge progress towards goals.
  12. Respond or act accordingly to e-mails or other communications.

We appreciate our advisors and offer support for any questions they may have. To recognize their efforts, we will be hosting a thank-you event for Club Advisors within the academic year.

There are a variety of flexible funding options available for your club. Mix and match from our different options to build multiple income streams for your group!


There are a variety of flexible funding options available for your club. Mix and match from our different options to build multiple income streams for your group!

Mail & Locker Service


Campus Clubs has 34 lockers available for clubs to rent for a period of one year. This year’s term begins May 4, 2024 and ends May 4, 2025. Lockers must be vacated before the rental end date.

To request a club locker, clubs must complete the Club Locker Rental Request Form on Ooks Life. Lockers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and are non-transferable. Only club resources can be stored inside a locker, not personal belongings.

Each locker rental requires payment of a $25.00 refundable deposit. Deposits can be paid by submitting a purchase request on Ooks Life. Cash deposits are not accepted. If a locker is deemed excessively dirty or damaged when vacated, Campus Clubs reserves the right to not refund the club’s deposit.

E-Wing First FloorStandard22
F-Wing BasementLarge (wide)12

To renew a club locker, the club requests that their locker rental be renewed for a period of one successive year by submitting the Club Locker Rental Renewal Form. This form is available on Ooks Life for a limited time (May 3-15 of the current year) to allow Campus Clubs to reset all lockers for the next rental term.


Each club can pick up their mail from the Campus Clubs (O108) front desk. Clubs should check in regularly to receive cheque payments and external mail. Please use the following address to direct your club mail:

NAITSA c/o “Your Club Name”
11762 106 Street, Room O108
Edmonton, AB, T5G 3H4

Bring personal ID to verify your identity.


Each year Campus Clubs recognizes the contributions, accomplishments, and dedication of clubs at the NAITSA Awards Gala.

Clubs can nominate themselves and other clubs for select awards under Forms on Ooks Life. Submissions will be assessed based on quality, not quantity. If Campus Clubs deems that the standard of achievement was not reached by any club for a particular award, then that award may not be given that year. This year’s NAITSA Awards Gala will be April 5, 2025. Deadline for nominations: March 3, 2025 at 4:00pm. Nomination forms can be found in forms in


The club with the most creative/innovative event(s) or initiatives throughout the year.


The club that overcame the most challenges to truly embrace change and showed the most improvement throughout the year.


The club with the best risk management that showed a concentrated effort to minimize risk.


The club that has had the most activities throughout the year.


The club known for their steady hard work earning the most Moo-la (aka revenue) for their club throughout the year.


The club with the most memorable advertising and marketing strategy.


A new club that excels in learning about Campus Clubs services, demonstrates professionalism, and is successful in their first foray into being a club.


Clubs who have committed to volunteerism and giving back to the community are recognized. These clubs have shown character and leadership in making NAIT and the Edmonton community a better place. See GIV’ER chapter for more information on this program/achievement levels.


This award recognizes a club that sets a high standard in leadership, professionalism, promotions, fundraising efforts, and involvement in the GIV’ER program. This award is not necessarily given out each year.


A successful transition is the responsibility of both the outgoing and incoming members of an organization.

The club transition process is a means of providing training for new executives, closure for the outgoing leaders, and helps the organization maintain consistency from year to year. A smooth transition also helps avoid the disappointment of seeing a club that you’ve invested many hours into fade away – ideally, your club could be running for (almost) forever! Campus Clubs allows clubs to use their discretion on when to begin the transition process, but recommends that it is done thoughtfully and so that your club’s next executive team is prepared for events and responsibilities that will be part of their roles. There is a great checklist available on Ooks Life that outlines the ideal transition process:

Once you’re ready to officially hand over the club, it is time to give your new executives access to your club’s Ooks Life page. Before beginning the process outlined below, ensure that the new executives have signed into Ooks Life at least once. This activates their account and prompts them to complete their personal profile. Have them join your Organization if they are not on your Roster. Also, the person assigning the new executive to their roles should have administrator privileges on your Ooks Life page. These are the VP Operations, VP Finance, and President. Here are the steps for adding new executives to Ooks Life:

  1. Navigate to your club’s page through clicking on the Left Navigation Menu. Under My Organizations use the gear icon of the organization.
  2. Under the “Organization Tools”, select “Roster.” All of the membership management, updating and creating of positions takes place here.
  3. You can assign and remove individuals simply by clicking on the pencil icon in the line that contains their name. You can then check the box of a title to assign the positions or de-select the box to remove them. Ensure you click the save button to save your changes.
  4. In the upper right area of the “Roster” page there are some useful tools. The “Manage Positions” tool allows you to create additional positions with tailored page permissions specific to your club.
  5. Executives that have Roster permissions can view current, pending, and prospective memberships. Users who have been invited to join the page and have not accepted their invite are viewed under “Pending”. Certain club types have a “join” button. Users who have asked to join the page and are awaiting your approval are listed under “Prospective”.

Once invited, the new executives will receive an email.

You can only have one official executive title per club. If you wear many hats within your club, capture those roles in your one role description.

To ensure your club’s continued success, it is important to think about how to transition your club before your current executives graduate.

  • Build your information resources, these can include highlights of successes, possible improvements, and documents related to your position.
  • Encourage first years to be involved and your executive to mentor them before putting them into a leadership role.
  • Show new executive how to navigate Ooks Life, and where to find documents and forms.
  • Introduce them to people who helped you.

Should position changes occur during the year, club administrators must update Ooks Life in the Roster section. At the beginning of August, a renewal notification will appear on your club’s organization page. This requires one of the admins to ensure the organization registration and positions are current.

If your club did not get an ideal transition, the first step is to get access to your organization page by completing an Club Page – Admin Access Request in the Campus Clubs forms section.


This is the Club Policy as it applies to all clubs. A club may customize additional agreements within their club that comply with the Club Policy below.
  1. Clubs must demonstrate clearly that they are of benefit to the student body and actively generate interest in the student body.
  2. All clubs must host at least one activity or meeting per semester to retain active status. This also determines whether club executives receive recognition on the Involvement Record. Activity must be logged on no later than Nov 5 for the first semester and March 5 for the second semester.
    1. Both off and on campus activities are to be registered on the Ooks Life platform. For external activities and soliciting seek the proper channels of permission to be on another campus or public venue, especially for recruitment and/or promotional purposes.
  3. A club will be placed in a frozen state on Ooks Life if they do not register events on
  4. Club membership must be made up of over 50% current NAIT students, the remainder can consist of NAIT Staff/Alumni.
  5. Any recruitment must be done in a non-aggressive fashion.
  6. While holding onto their beliefs, clubs must show respect for all others who may have differing opinions.
  7. All clubs must follow NAIT and NAITSA policies/procedures, federal, provincial, and municipal law.
  8. All clubs are student driven. Sharing of information between students and advisors is encouraged to support and maintain continuity from year to year.
  9. Approved clubs are considered a sanctioned club and begin with “Good Standing” designation. This provides clubs access to the many services NAITSA offers.
  10. If a club does not follow the Club Policy they are placed in “Bad Standing,” pending the severity of conduct they may be de-ratified (no longer a club). Privileges and services are denied to clubs in Bad Standing.
  11. If a club notices damaged or missing NAIT or NAITSA property, inform Campus Clubs.
  12. Clubs are not agents or representatives of NAITSA, have no authority to act on behalf of NAITSA, and their views and actions in no way represent NAITSA.
  13. Students cannot create and/or run a business under their club. All business ventures must occur externally.
  14. Clubs will not use the NAITSA logo without prior permission.
  15. Pub crawls are not an approved fundraising option for clubs. Pub crawls pose far too great a risk for NAIT or NAITSA to approve, and have the potential to impact students beyond their time at NAIT. This issue has been researched thoroughly and NAITSA has concluded the limitation is non-negotiable for clubs.
  16. All Club Executives must be current NAIT students (enrolled in at least one class).
  1. Club finances must be completed in conjunction with Campus Clubs (O108) using the Ooks Life platform. The use of external banking institutions is prohibited. E-transfers can only be used to send direct deposits to NAITSA. Do not use your personal bank account to store club funds or reimburse students.
  2. All clubs shall be non-profit and cannot pay salaries or other stipends to any of its executive officers or members.
  3. Any invoices must be in the club or students’ name, not NAITSA. Your club name may appear after NAITSA or listed in the memo area.
  4. All cheques to be deposited are to be made payable to “NAITSA”.
  5. As a signing authority, executives will take responsibility to ensure all club funds are spent appropriately.
  6. If a club executive does not follow the Club Policy, and pending the severity of conduct, they could be removed from their position.

Good standing is a status bestowed to a club that follows the policies set out by NAITSA to ensure appropriate conduct/operations; it also protects the clubs and NAITSA as an organization. Clubs in good standing are eligible for full services provided.

A sanctioned club maintains its good standing through the following actions:

  1. Register the club through Ooks Life.
  2. Keep Campus Clubs informed of any changes within the club. Maintain an up-to-date organization roster on Ooks Life.
  3. A minimum of one activity per semester submitted on Ooks Life in order to keep Campus Clubs informed and retain active page on I. All club events and activities are to be submitted through In return, executive involvement is recognized on the Involvement Record
  4. Follow NAITSA policies in event planning and implementation.
  5. Follow poster and advertisement policies.
  6. Practice risk management strategies.
  7. Follow club finance policy.
  8. Act as a NAIT ambassador and in the best interest of the NAIT community.

Disobeying procedures means a loss of privileges and possible disbanding of the club. Any of the following are cause for bad standing:

  1. Violation of any procedures indicated in the club handbook.
  2. Abuse of any NAITSA services or privileges (poster board, meeting spaces, equipment, etc).
  3. Not having at least one activity or meeting per semester submitted on Ooks Life.
  4. Repeated failure to submit an Event Finance Summary within two weeks of holding a fundraiser (bar nights at external businesses may be granted extended time).
  5. Not abiding by the club profile as sanctioned by NAITSA.
  6. Holding prohibited events and those not approved through Campus Clubs (ie. pub crawls).
  7. Having an incomplete roster of signing authorities. (One or more of the following positions are vacant: VP Operations, VP Finance, President).
  8. Use of external banking institutions for club finances.
  9. Failure to repay outstanding loans.
  10. Failure to replace or repair equipment damaged by club.
  11. Rude conduct, harassment, or bullying.
  12. Bad attitudes and/or sense of entitlement.
  13. Major issues during an “Event with AlcoholType 2” including but not limited to: high number of over-intoxicated patrons or shutdown of an “Event with Alcohol Type 2”. Negative reports from Protective Services may also result in immediate suspension of future “Events with Alcohol Type 2”.
  14. Removal of student club status for repeated non-compliance or one serious offense. This may result in the club being disbanded, and funds frozen. Reinstatement of a club will be assessed on an individual basis.
  15. Lack of financial transparency.

Campus Clubs has the power to place a club in bad standing through detection of violations.

The Senate or Executive Council also has the power to place a club in bad standing by a simple majority vote if the club has acted in conflict with the Club Policy, and federal, provincial, or municipal laws.
If a club executive/member or a club is considered to be in non-compliance or in violation of processes laid out in the handbook for clubs, penalties can be assessed. Penalties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Forfeiture of equipment loans.
  • Loss of funding opportunities.
  • Suspension of on-campus privileges.
  • Club executive removal.

A warning of bad standing or de-ratification shall be presented to the club executive. Upon receiving such notice, the club will be permitted an opportunity to correct the violation or appeal to the NAITSA VP Internal. If the club is not satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, the club may then request a hearing before the NAITSA Senate. If the decision relates to safety and the security of students or AGLC regulations, it may not be appealed. One speaker will be permitted to speak for each side to present their case.

Grounds for an appeal are as follows:

  • The decision was unreasonable in light of evidence presented.
  • The penalty was unreasonable in light of the circumstances.
  • There was a lack of procedural fairness.

Your club will be deemed inactive after:

  1. 12 months without any club-hosted activities.
  2. 12 months without an up-to-date executive team. After twelve months of inactivity any unclaimed or unspent club funds will be forfeited to NAITSA. If you would like to voluntarily disband your club, email Campus Clubs Manager (

For more information, reference “Year End Administration” in the Finance chapter of this handbook.