Campus Clubs provides grant money to assist clubs. Funding is prioritized towards running events and initiatives (that build an experience) over the purchase of swag/merchandise. Clubs must meet Club Funding Eligibility in order to be approved for grants. There are a total of six grant intakes throughout the year.
September 23, 2024
GRANT Intake #1
October 21, 2024
GRANT Intake #2
November 25, 2024
GRANT Intake #3
January 20, 2025
GRANT Intake #4
February 24, 2025
GRANT Intake #5
June 23, 2025
Step 1 - Understand Grant Funding Eligibility
In order for a club to have their grant submission(s) reviewed, there is an eligibility process. It involves having each of your club’s Financial Signing Authorities (VP Operations, VP Finance and President) complete:
Clubs Basic Training Path
Clubs Advanced Training Path
Both paths must be completed by the grant deadline you intend to apply for. Failure to complete both paths will result in immediate denial of your grant application.
Important notes:
- Each signing authority has to complete the paths once during the academic year. In other words, you do not have to repeat the paths for each intake.
- If one of the Financial Signing Authorities leaves the club, the new person taking on the role must catch up and complete both Club Training Paths.
For more information on Paths, refer to the Paths Section of the Handbook.
Step 2 - Understand what not to do
Remember, do NOT spend money or plan an event before you receive confirmation that your grant application has been approved. This will result in automatic disqualification for the specific grant intake you are applying for. Even more crucially, if you spend money before your grant is approved, you will not only be ineligible for that grant intake but also bear personal financial responsibility. In other words, if you spend money you haven’t yet received, you will be accountable for covering those expenses yourself.
We recommend that events should take place or merchandise should be purchased a minimum of three weeks AFTER the intake deadline you are applying for. This will allow for proper timing for the Grant Review Committee to reach a decision, notify your club, transfer funds and for the promotion/sales of your event.
Step 3 - Know what Grant Funds Cover
Grant funding is available to assist with:
- Increasing club activity and encouraging clubs to conduct activities that benefit members and the student body.
- Enhancing the club experience and support club initiatives.
- Building resources for the club community (any reusable resources remain property of NAITSA).
- Subsidizing activities for fundraising efforts.
- “Events with Alcohol Type 2” grant funding limited to two events per academic year per club.
- Promotional/branded items may only be covered up to 50% of the total ordered cost.
- For on campus food costs, food service from the Nest is eligible up to 100% for grant funding. Other official food suppliers on campus are eligible up to 50% for grant funding.
- Subsidizing a small aspect of grad & year end celebrations. These requests are lower in priority because clubs are expected to fundraise for these initiatives.
Step 4 - Know what Grant Funds Do not Cover
Grant funds do not cover:
- Direct donations to charities.
- The purchase of alcohol.
- The purchase of cannabis.
- Repayment of loans.
- Purchase of bid items for silent auctions.
- NAIT hosted activities – activities must be hosted and run by the student club.
- Items purchased prior to grant funding approval.
- Deposits (food machine cleaning deposits, locker deposits).
- Gifts for club members
- Gifts for graduation and Year End Celebrations
- Subsidies for merchandise or attendance fees for NAIT Staff. Alumni and non-NAIT guests. In this case those listed above pay full price.
NAITSA will not fund activities that:
- Are offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise deemed inappropriate for the campus community (e.g., misogynistic, homophobic).
- Advocate for genocide, incite hatred, or promote hatred against an identifiable group.
- Seek to promote partisan political agendas or specific religious beliefs. This includes events or activities that are deemed to significantly alienate or polarize members of the campus community.
- Feature candidates in municipal, provincial, or federal elections during the campaign period in a way that could provide an unfair advantage to one candidate.
- Have the potential to damage or negatively affect the reputation of NAITSA or NAIT.
- Funding decisions are ultimately at the discretion of the Grant Review Committee and may be subject to additional review to ensure alignment with campus community standards
Step 5 - Know the rules for Grant Compliance
The clubs will fulfill the Club Basic Path and the Advance Training Path required for grant eligibility before the grant deadline.
Expenses incurred that are not listed in the grant funding request will not be covered by the grant. These expenses are the clubs responsibility.
All receipts relating to the grant must be submitted via Purchase Requests to Campus Clubs by the closing date indicated in the application or the club will be held financially responsible.
Clubs must adhere to attendance tracking (using Check-in App) for grant funded events. If clubs do not track attendance as required, it will be noted and affect future grant funding for the club.
Lost receipts will not be honoured, only approved expense receipts that have been submitted to Campus Clubs will be covered by the grant.
Accept the funding status and the Grant Reviews Committees decision as final.
Step 6 - Must reads BEFORE you apply: Checklist
- Is my club eligible for grant funding? In other words, did all three club executives complete their basic path and advance path?
- Is my grant application for one event? Remember, each activity/project requires its own separate grant application.
- Am I giving myself enough time to complete the application? Remember, grants must be submitted by 5:00pm for each intake deadline. Late applications are not accepted, no exceptions.
- Is my event/project covered by grant funding? Please read Step 3, know what grant funds cover and Step 4, know what grant funds do not cover, listed above.
- Have you spent time researching your event/initiative and all the expenses involved? Remember, approved grants will only cover what is listed in your application. Many sections require uploads (pricing screenshots or quotes) to back up your budget research. A submission with attention to detail that reflects cost research increases the chances of funding.
- Does my event take place a minimum of three weeks after the grant intake deadline? The Grant Review Committee convenes one week after the submission deadline to approve or deny applications. If approved, it may take an additional business week to notify the club. Furthermore, grant funds will not be transferred to the club’s grant sub-account until the event is created on Clubs should also ensure they allocate sufficient time for event promotion and sales, if applicable.
- How much money am I requesting? How many students will benefit from my event? Funds come from NAITSA student membership fees, so ask yourself, would fellow students approve the request?
You can download the checklist by navigating to > Select the NAITSA Campus Clubs Organization > Documents or by following the link – Before you apply Grant: Checklist.
How to apply
Now that you have read all the important information above and completed the checklist, you are ready to apply for your grant! If you have not yet done so, please read Steps 1-6 in the section above before continuing. It will be clear in your application if you took the time to read before submitting.
Step 1 – Log on to > Select your club > Organization Tools> Finance> Create Request > Create Budget Request
Remember, “create budget request” is another way of saying “create grant application. This is Ookslife wording, we cannot change.
Step 2 – Selecting the correct intake.
Now that you have made it to the, create budget request page, you will be able to view all the processes. In other words, all the grant application deadlines for the 2024-25 school year will appear. Make sure to select the correct intake you wish to apply for.
Step 3 – Selecting the correct Budget header.
Choose only one Budget header that best identifies your type of request from the following list:
1. Branded Merchandise: This area is for requesting support to subsidize the purchase of branded merchandise that is either given away or sold (e.g. coffee cups, lanyards, water bottles, pens, clothing etc.)
Branded items can receive up to 50% grant funding coverage per order. Please specify in your line item whether you have listed the full cost or the 50% cost.
For branded merchandise, it is recommended you list the full pricing in the budget and use the club contribution section to show the price the club and/or students are contributing/paying towards the purchase. This will provide the most clarity overall for these types of grants.
Informational handouts with branding such as brochures, business cards and posters are not considered branded merchandise. These can be allocated to the Event Funding Budget (Marketing & Promotion Section) or General Operations Budget (Marketing & Promotion Section).
2. Conference/Competition Attendance: This Budget is used to request funding support to attend a conference or competition relevant to their club. These types of grants tend to reach a maximum subsidy of up to $100 per student.
3. Event Funding: This Budget is used to request funding support to host an event/activity. If you have multiple events/activities within an intake you will need to submit additional applications. Each event is its own separate application.
4. General Operations: This section is for resources that are not events specific, however, they do act in general promotion and operation of the club (i.e. Business cards, club general promotion posters, equipment).
Step 4 – Give your application a title and provide a brief description.
Tip: do NOT rush through making a title or description. The title and description are some of the most important parts of the application and shows the time and care that went into making your application. Additionally, the title and description should convey to the reviewers the importance of your proposal. Never leave the title or description blank.
Resource: Read through, How to Write an Award Winning Grant Title and Description, to learn tips and tricks on writing a title/description.
Step 5 – Complete the Additional Information Tab.
Fill out details (project information, logistics, risk management, agreements). Be specific and detailed in your response to the questions.
Resource: Read through, How to Build a Strong Grant Application, for advice on building a strong additional information tab section.
Step 6- Risk Management
Risk management is essential to ensure the project/activity runs smoothly and any potential issues are addressed promptly.
In this section, you will have to:
- Identify the risk
- Assess the Severity of the risk, ranking it either low, medium or high
- Assess the Likelihood of the risk, ranking it either low, medium or high
- State your plan to manage the risk
- Identify the risk: Technical Difficulties
- Severity: Medium
- Likelihood: Low
- Plan to Manage the risk: We will arrange for IT support to be available during the event. We will test all equipment before the event to ensure everything runs smoothly and be able to manage any issues that arise before the event. Additionally, we have spoken to the venue and they have backup equipment available at the venue incase of emergency.
By identifying potential risks and implementing these mitigation strategies, you can better ensure the project’s success and address any issues promptly if they arise.
Risk management is diligently looked over by the Grant Review Committee, please take the appropriate time to complete this step.
Step 7 – Budget Tab
The budget tab will allow the Grant Review Committee to see the thought behind the money you are requesting. If you have been proactive and received quotes from vendors (Ex. merchandise or event entertainment) researched pricing of items, made a budget spreadsheet breakdown, here is the perfect opportunity to submit your work in the application.
Remember, make sure you submit every item you need. Only items approved in your grant submission will be eligible for grant funding. Never leave the description blank, explain what each item is being used for.
- Complete optional sections and add item lines that apply to your request. Uploading of quotes and pricing screenshots takes place at the line item level. A majority of the line-item uploads are mandatory.
- The Club Contributions section is mandatory. This area is designed for you to indicate funds that the club is going to use from other resources (club funds, ticket sales, sponsorship, partnership) for the project/activity. If your club does not have any club contributions you will still need to fill it out indicating a zero. The “Club Contribution” section subtracts from the main total to accurately reflect the amount of grant funds being requested
Tips: There are options in filling line items with uploads. You may choose to use a spreadsheet image to capture pricing if it involves numerous entries. Provide details.
Step 8 – Before continuing, ensure, “The Requested Total” is the correct amount you are requesting in your grant application.
Step 9 – Always double-check your work! Then you are ready to submit.
When is the application due?
Are late applications accepted?
Can I submit multiple applications for different projects/ activities for one intake period?
Can I spend grant money before I hear back from the review committee on their decision?
- Your grant, along with all other grant applications will be reviewed by the Grant Review Committee.
- Applications will only be reviewed for clubs in good standing and completed the path(s) criteria for grant eligibility.
- The Grant Review Committee is made up of NAITSA representatives and NAIT students at large.
- The Grant Review Committee will meet approximately one week after the deadline, and decide whether to award full, partial, or decline funding.
- All funding requests are subject to the availability of funds, the application information, and the number of grants submitted for the intake.
- The submitter can follow the progress of your application, view comments and any adjustments made by the Grant Review Committee by simply checking the Finance feature in your Organization Tools. Selecting Budget Requests. Once a status is reached you are notified by Ooks Life notification and e-mail pending your privacy settings).
- The VP Operations, VP Finance, President, or any executive given finance permission will be able to view the final status of the application through Ooks Life but will not see special notes/instructions. These are only viewable by the submitter. It is the submitters responsibility to communicate these instructions to the executive.
- Do not spend any funds for your grant project until you are approved.
- Do not proceed beyond a quote and/or collect funds until you have received grant approval.
- Pay attention to the conditions (if any) are listed in the comments section to receive funds. The most common condition is submitting an event on Ooks Life.
- Once key conditions have been met and an official approval is reported in the system, the approved amount will be deposited to your clubs account. Grant funds will appear as a sub-account found in your Organization tools, under Finance and then Accounts.
- Clubs can then spend the money for their initiative and submit purchase requests to pay invoices directly to the company, or reimburse club members. When a payment involves two sub-accounts you will be required to complete two purchase requests in order to withdraw the funds from the correct accounts. This occurs when you need a combination of club funds and grant funds to pay a vendor or reimburse a member. When prompted to complete the subject field of the purchase request, you must indicate the grant project name and whether the request is Part 1 or Part 2 (a combination use of sub-accounts).
- Ensure all members of your club are aware of grant procedures and inform them of what funds were awarded and what receipts need to be submitted by the close out date.
- Expenses not listed in the grant budget section of the application = no grant funding for the expense.
- If the date of a club event involving grant funds changes, it is the responsibility of the club to request a change of their grant close out date.
As part of the grant submission, the club selects an end-of-month closure deadline date for finalizing all financial obligations for the project/activity involving the handling of purchase requests and submission of related receipts. Pay attention to the close out date!. This is an important date that must not be missed. If the deadline passes and receipts and payments are not completed by the selected deadline, funds are automatically reclaimed. No exceptions. No receipts = reclaim of funds.
- You can change your selected close out date by emailing before the deadline passes. Provide a new end-of-month closure date. If your project or activity date changes and impacts timelines, ensure you request a new close out date extensions.
- Lost receipts will not be honoured, only approved expense receipts that have been submitted to Campus Clubs will be covered by the grant.
- Campus Clubs is not responsible to remind you of your deadlines.
Declined funding occurs if:
- Insufficient information and/or missing information in the application. You must be specific in what you are asking for and how you are calculating the numbers in your request.
- The club did not fulfill the Path(s) requirements by the grant deadline.
- The project/activity is not one that NAITSA would approve.
- The project/activity is considered less beneficial than other applications in an oversubscribed intake.
- The club is in bad standing.
If your grant has been denied, clubs may re-apply in a future grant intake. Please note that the activity/event must still occur after the grant intake in which you were approved.